Osho - Vedanta Paul Lowe - In Each Moment Vijai Shankar- The illusions of life Satyam Nadeen - From Onions to Pearls Satyam Nadeen - From Seekers to Finders Suzanne Segal - Collision with the Infinite Tathagata - Being - Given Space Vartman - Unreasonable happiness |
Paul Ferrini
- Silence
of the heart - excerpt Paul Ferrini - Miracle of Love Byron Katie - A brief anthology Anne Courtney - Resting in the cave of the heart Nirmala - Nothing personal Gina Lake - Radical Happiness Norman Williams - Beyond duality Madhukar Thompson - The odyssey of enligtenment |
Neal Filmer Quote from 'In Each Moment'.You are continuously being invited to become more conscious and to live on this planet without the fear that normally rules you. One area that offers infinite opportunities for expansion of consciousness is in our intimate relationships. Generally we attribute our discomfort in relationships to the other person. We believe we feel uncomfortable because our partner did or did not do something. That is not so; if you do not feel comfortable it is because you are not being responsible. You have probably been trying to make somebody else responsible for making your life work. That is not possible, yet it is what most people are doing. We are motivated to come together because we feel incomplete; we feel empty because we are not being ourselves, so we look for someone else to fill the gap. Then we cling to each other. But we have no control over the other person; they could leave at any time, and then we will be back with ourselves as we really are. It will never work to look to someone else for your own happiness. No one else's life is going to make your life work. Like everyone, you are totally alone and you always will be. In that aloneness it is possible to dance joyfully with someone else, but most likely, you do not even know who you are, let alone someone else. You do not know how to connect with your own essence, so how can you dance freely with another's? |
Collision with the Infinite - Susanne Segal
A life beyond the personal self.
Publisher: Blue Dove press ISBN 1884997279. 190 pages $ 14.00
Paul Ferrini
Part three out of four books of the serie ' Reflections of the Christ Mind'.
With these books Ferrini makes Christ a living reality again and makes his teachings of a path of love available and up to date for this time.
A heart opening moving book!Highly recommended as well as the other books from the same serie.
Exerpt: transforming negativity
ISBN 1-879159-23-6 $ 12,95 Paperback 200 pages.
Anne Courtney - Resting
in the cave of the heart. Dream Books Publ. ISBN 0-9749875-0-6 Paperback, 125 pages $ 16.-. |
Teachers from Nisargadatta Maharaj to
the Dalai Lama, Sai Baba and Byron Katie. Publisher: Norman Williams.
400 pages. |
is a book about non-duality and non-doing, about you and me and
the truth that we are not two. In reading it, people have reported that they effortlessly connected with the special energy of the Silent Retreat and with the tender and clear Beingness that can be experienced when Tathagata and those who love truth meet. BEING
is a book to be read again and again, for it will again and again
give of its subtle delicacy. see also innerview with Tathagata A quote from Tathagata's
book 'Being':
second book from Tathagata has a clear title: Given Life is given to us and life does not belong to us but we belong to life. Another 104 pages of clarity that help you to see through the illusion that the mind, that thinking, reates that we are separate from existence. 'All is given yet nothing is for us When we take anything for ourselves 220 publishing. ISBN 9781905479030. 104 pages, paperback 10 euro
Space is the title of the third book from Tathagata iI is not a book about having space,
but about being the space that includes all, the space of awereness
that you are. ISBN 9781905479047 Paperback 104 pages, 220 publishing |