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Any remarks, questions or things you want to share? e-mail us! Mail: prembuda@dds.nl
Dear one, No doubt, we are bewildered after what happened in the United States. Onceagain we become aware of our vulnerability and the fear deprives usliterally of our breath. India is far away, but the inviolable United Statesforces us to face our own mortality.It begins to penetrate that the fundaments of our illusionary society hasbecome very vulnerable. We thought we could assure ourselves again alldisasters but now we start to realize there is not any assurance that can guaranty our physical existence. Let us look to the United States with Love and Compassion. Let us put thevictims into the light, let us also not forget the perpetrators. Do not ask for avenge but for forgiveness.We al replaced respect for Gods creation for respect for material. From thispoint of view we changed LOVE for all living beings into deadly fear.Deep inside we have forgotten who we really are: divine immortal beings, creators of our own reality.When my reality is peace, I create peace inside. Then I behave as a spiritual warrior and look to my own fear. I feel it, I go through it and atthe end I shall transform it to LOVE. No longer I cannot exclude anything, I know that everything what happens is a part of myself. I have not the arrogance to improve the world. I strive to improve myself, my own world. I choose to live my own truth, without hiding myself anymor after social structures born from fear and not from LOVE. It needs courage to distinguish yourself. As Nelson Mandela so beautifully put into his speech: we are born to reveal the glory of God, who is inside in each of us. We do not serve the world to keep ourselves small. We serve the world by showing our inner light. By doing this we open up this possibility for others. When we free ourselves from our deepest fear, the fear for our physical death, only our vicinity shall free others. We can give our contribution to solve this war, by ending our war inside. We finish the apartheid, by pulling down our own walls, created to hide and to separate ourselves. I do not wish to revenge, I am willing to forgive. I forgive myself all the mistakes I made in the past. They polished me till a more open and loving person with space for people who are different, for people who think different. No longer it is threatening, instead it brings colour into my life. I forgive myself and others knowing that forgiveness shall open ourhearts to universal brotherhood. Every moment we choose the polarity
we like to connect with, with fear or with trust, with hate or
with love. Mandela used his period in prison to transform hate
into LOVE. He used the energy of hate as compost to sow the seed
of LOVE. I challenge myself, I challenge you to do the same.
My third book: LOVE is Al There Is, is about unconditional LOVE.
I have dedicated it to Nelson Mandela. Today I decide to be LOVE
and to live LOVE. Yasmin Verschure - www.yasminverschure.nl/eng Hallo,
I am happy to hear from you and
to see to see that
Hi Lieverds, Hoi Prembuddha en
Eveline, Beloveds Forgiveness is not an instant and
easy process and it needs a great maturity Here is a story to illustrate what
I am pointing at. One fourteen year old boy, part
of a gang, had shot and killed an innocent -----------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Rani, This is the right moment to re-member our True Nature and so to re-member with all family members. We are such a beautiful family. It's dark and it's good to hold each others hand. Now your letter is on forgiveness. Yes, BEING STILL (your last letter) needs expression. Meditation is the key, you go inside - but outside there is cyclone happening. Being Still happens in the centre of the cyclone. The noise of the cyclone makes the silence of the centre more intense. What is meditation without this challenge of the cyclone? I visited yesterday a good friend of me, who meditates every day and likes his silence so much that he even doesn't read newspapers or watches tv . He said: 'Ojas, what is happening? This morning I went out and looked at these strange headlines of the newspapers. Is something like a war happening?' I could explain him in a few sentences that outside his door a cyclone was happening: terrorism and a bizarre worldwide war against it. This cyclone now is a challenge to meditate. Not only a few moments a day, but day and night. It is good to BE meditation now. That can create a new balance. Awareness is the key. Without a deep rooted awareness
you easily can be blown away. You see it happening now. In ten
days CNN has lost all its critical reflections and you don't
recognise the proud Americans anymore. Traumatised people get
manipulated to a grotesque revenge. My understanding of this is as
follows: forgiveness is a transformation of anger and aggression.
I have discovered that this transformation
can happen is slow motion or sudden. In slow motion it is like
you see a dark, hard seed slowly growing out into a plant. You
see the growing edges and how every time the seed unfolds more
of its beauty. Up to it finally blossoms and get fruits. Yes Rani, you are right. That forgiveness needs a great maturity. It is told in your story. 'At the trial, the victim's mother sat impassively silent unto the end.' And after the verdict, the mother said to the person who killed her son 'I'm going to kill you', but she meant it in a very surprising and compassionate way. This is very mature. She meant 'I'm going to kill the killer in you, not your body.' So she could live in peace with him, and he with her. In my understanding this maturity has to do with the way transformation of anger is happening. Before you can let go of the anger, there must be a moment that you feel and see your anger. You have to feel your anger. For those people who don't feel anything at all, it is easy to say: 'I forgive'. They don't have anything to transform at all. Nothing is felt, so the words 'I forgive' are only empty words. No power in it. You have to see what it is as well.
Those people who feel anger, but cannot see it in the Light of
the Absolute, anger only accumulates. Up to it explodes in aggression.
This can give a kind of short satisfaction, but the seed has
spread already. In others who like to take revenge. An ongoing
circle. In the Living Satsang of our world today lots of people are willing to tune in with this forgiveness. Lots of e-mails which I received last days from USA and all over the world have this insight. Childish anger and aggression will not work now, mature forgiveness is the end of war. But there is some confusion. Whom
to forgive? There is no question in your story of the mother.
She knows who killed her son. But look around in our world. You
see masks and masks and masks. Officials are in function and
tell only what they are allowed to tell. They obey others who
whisper behind the screens. Terrorists do at a certain moment
what they think they have to do, after desperate years of humiliation,
fake promises and brainwashing. You are like Alice in Wonderland who looks around and says: 'Nothing is what it is, because everything is what it isn't. And contrary-wise: what it is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? ' There is immense confusion, lies, unclear promises, manipulation. Even solidarity seems to be corrupted. Whom to forgive? Where to put deliberately your attention? The only thing which is sure is: the heart can heal, in a situation of anger and aggression forgiveness is needed. Forgiveness which has power, because it is transformed frustration, anger and aggression. Or perhaps a forgiveness which
has even more subtle vibrations. I remember that Osho once pointed
in that direction. He once explained that real forgiveness is
not a transformation or doing at all. I remember him saying:
'Real forgiveness means that you don't judge a person, that you
are non-judgmental.' Okay? In love, freedom and
joy, Ojas RESPONSE OF OJAS Beloved Rani, Yes, so I know you. Two days after your first letter you are speeding up the matter again. Full of energy and compassion, pointing at the heart of the matter, sharing Truth without compromises. Thank you. Your letter feels like the sting of a bee. Painful and healthy at the same time. Now it is already late in the night, but it is a great opportunity to stay in contact with my Self and you again. I like to share again the echoes of your letter in my heart, like I did two days ago. 1. Indeed, the fear is all around.
It seems to be very frightening of course. Politicians, economist
and media-makers are gambling with our lives. And, because the
crisis is so sudden and beyond what you can grasp with your mind,
perhaps there are more beings around our gambling table: darklords
from the other side who now like to know if they now finally
can win. What a game, what a nightmare. Now your message: 'I urge you to BE STILL and stand in the fire of truth.' What I hear you sayings is: 'Awake, this is a nightmare. Don't believe in it.' As a good mother you give us a hit and you switch on the light. Yes, Rani. We need once in a while these wake-up calls. Because, as far as I see it, we are here on this planet with a script to be totally involved in what is happening. Incarnation, light has to go into matter as deep as possible, you have to survive as a vulnerable being in an unknown world, be alert day and night, no daydreaming. We signed a contract in which we promised to act this totally out, so that an experiment can be done to hide ourselves from our deeper Self, from our source of Light. We promised to go on stormy waters just to see if we still could remember where our Home is, who we are. Those who still can remember, have won the game. Because we knew that the situation could be such that we could forget everything of Home, we were allowed to have once in a while wake-up calls. So, Rani, your a wake-up call was helpful. For me, as well, the wake-up call is already available in the plot of this drama. This drama is too much, too far away from Truth and Love, too bizarre and grotesque. Therefore, these darklords and their companions awake me as well. In fact, they are our Great Helpers. What a joke. On the moment that they think that they have won the game on this planet and that they will be welcomed by us as the Great Conquerors forever, the whole perspective changes and it can be seen as a very sophisticated lesson of Existence. Nothing more, but nothing less. It is like watching a drama on stage, you are totally in it and moved by the art, and suddenly somebody next to you sneezes and you realize that you are in a theatre. Or you are totally involved in a movie, and you suddenly sees the edges of the film screen. You are out of it. BE STILL has the same effect. I am out of the game. Even more: I won the game. Because to recognise Who I Am is the whole purpose of this drama. 2. Clear. Totally true. In fact there is no need to be afraid. Fear doesn't have roots in Reality. Still a question comes: what maturity does it need to be capable to say this honestly? Or doesn't it need any maturity? Isn't this a kind of Spiritual Top Secret (STS) with which not everybody can deal with? This was confusing me this morning. Let me explain this. I had phone call with a friend. We asked ourselves how it is possible that people sacrifice themselves completely, surrender their lives and fly in living missiles into their own dead. We came to the conclusion that such people must have a deep conviction that there was nothing to be afraid of, that in reality they could not die, that their dead was only the beginning of a new and more beautiful life. So, this morning the statement 'Everybody is safe in the game' became embarrassing. It could be used as well by fanatics who only like to kill as many people as possible, including themselves. It could be used by immature, brainwashed people. Wasn't it dangerous to use this statement for everybody? When I was reading your e-mail
with this statement, I started questioning it and I liked to
make conditions. But I stopped this, because with the same bunch
of e-mails another message came this day. It was a message from
Myriah. She is psychic and was, on the moment of the attack,
she was called 'by the spirits' to help the deadly wounded people
in the Pentagon to guide them after their dead and heal them
in a psychic way with Light. Life sometimes works with a wonderful synchronistic magic. If this story is true or not, it helped me to drop all my judgements on 'the good and bad guys'. How could I say if somebody was not mature enough? What did I know about the roles they had to play? Then this evening an e-mail of
Amara came. I looked in it and was shocked. She shares now that,
after all this pains she had, after all the chemo and new tests,
it is not sure that she is healed from cancer. A few weeks ago
I would have been sure that, if there was anybody, she surely
could say honestly: 'Everyone is safe in this game. Everyone!
Bodies may die, bodies may experience great pain and discomfort,
but ultimately nobody can die.' Now it is as if she is writing
the opposite. Now in her e-mail she says: 'I cannot close my
eyes to the possibility of death. Somehow it feels like I have
come to the other side of the whole process, the shadow side.
The first months were so positive, so blissful, calm and fearless
and now time has come to experience strong emotions about it
all fear, sadness, despair and anger are showing their
faces.' Just on this day I can see clearly how mature this is. What a beautiful human being is talking here. Just by going into the depths of pain, anger and fear, she can transcend and transform it. She is on her way to find Truth that cannot be disturbed anymore. She is not afraid, standing in the Light, to see her own dark shadow. Now she shows that she has in Truth the pearl of eternal life in her hands. Dear Rani, I am stopping now. Two beautiful women on my path this day: you during the day and Amara this evening. Your both statements look on first sight opposite to each other, but deep down I can feel the unity of it. And there is great joy to look in both of you as mirrors and discover the Truth of life and death. In peace, love and freedom Ojas Poona Sept 26 2001 Beloveds Living without hope is living in freedom. Without hope you can recognise
who you are ,centered in being and then there is a direct knowing
of the benevolence of consciousness ,rather than hoping for something
better to come. As the global situation intensifies,
messages of all sorts reach us. Pointing to the truth behind
the events, pointing to the light, pointing to who you are. Even while everything points the
fact that the transformation of the planet is at hand, still NOW always shows you that you are love, that you are peace. Rest in that. NOW is always safe. So in these dark days for the planet
I invite you to live NOW. To turn your attention to that which
you know to be eternal. Know that you are unlimited empty
silent consciousness. There is nothing here that should
not happen. If this recognition has not fully
hit you , make it your absolute priority to find out.
Surf the internet. There is such abundant overflow of good news on the web. It is our uncontrolled medium for what I call "the other news". Stay away from too much television, it spreads vibes of fear and agitation. And while I speak of living without
hope we all know that that dream for a peaceful world can never
leave us, it is inherent to who we are. If you are interested to explore some of the sites I mentioned here they are I have no way of knowing what is
true here. http://www.paoweb.com/index.html Home Boeken Gastenboek Links Satsang Spanjecentrum Tibet |