Gangaji special
, schedule, articles, books etc.
Gangaji is a very profound teacher who lives at present in Ashland, Oregon USA.
She teaches in the lineage of Ramana Maharashi and Papaji.Gangaji regularly teaches in the USA and comes to Europe every summer.
16 - 20 may retreat with GANGAJI in Amsterdam,
Rosarium, Amstelpark 1. Fee: € 375
This meeting will be held in English.
Information and Registration: Hannelore Rueedi
e-mail: hannelore.rueedi@bluewin.chphone: 0041227570003
To spend four days and nights in silence, in a beautiful, natural setting, focused solely on the most earnest questions of the heart, is a rare and precious opportunity. This retreat is held in conversational silence. Speaking only occurs during meetings with Gangaji.
Check in from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm on Friday May 16. Meeting Schedule:
Friday May 16: 8:00pm May 17-19: 11:00am, 4:00pm and 8:00pm Tuesday, May 20: 11:00am The meetings will last 1_ to 2 hours. This is a non-residential retreat. Meals and accommodations are not included.
Cancellation Policy Cancellation fees for the Retreat with Gangaji are as follows:
o April 16 and earlier - 50€ - April 17 and later - 375€
Video satsang in Holland: see agenda and underneath
PHOTO'S from Silver Bay retreat sept. 2005
"Ramana spoke of the cave of the heart - the mind resting at its source."
"In the cave of the heart, it is so dark that no one can be seen.
It is so light that no one can be seen.
When it is discovered, it is obvious that it is with you every instant.
Then life is lived - and when death comes, death is lived.
I invite you to be always more true in your attendance to this sanctuary, this divine,
resonating sanctuary of your own heart, the one heart.
We meet there."
Gangaji, West Coast Retreat 2005
Next date: see agenda
We start with 15 minutes silent meditation followed by a video (1 hour) tea etc. afterwards. Please register by e-mail: prembuddha
Phone 020-6640503. Bijdrage 2,00 voor aanschaf video's, drankjes, snacks.Video satsang in Almelo
Elke laatste dinsdag van de maand: 19.45 uur tot 21.30 uur.
Opgave van tevoren wordt op prijs gesteld:
A. Kamphuis, Vissedijk 32, 7602 CR Almelo. Tel. 0546-867594.Video satsang in Haarlem volgende zie:
Articles by Gangaji:
No escape
Beyond the Dark Night of the Soul
photo's: retreat with Gangaji and Eli in Baden-Baden may 2005
Books by Gangaji:
Freedom and resolve 1999
Dit is vertaald in het Nederlands:
Vrijheid in overgave. Uitgeverij Samsara, Paperback, 101 pag.You are That. Vol. 1&2 (see below)
The diamond in your pocket. (see below) Ned. vertaling komt najaar 2006
Book about Gangaji: Just like you - by Roslyn Moore. Do publishing, paperback, 180 pages
Books by students:
Two of her students who awakenened have written books about the process they went thru with Gangaji:Amber Terrell - Surprised by grace. (review see below)
This books gives a very intimate account of Ambers relation with Gangaji and an amazing description how the ego is slowly step by step dismantled on a ever deepening level. The books contains a lot of the guidance of Gangaji and thus gives a clear insight in the relation between teacher and student.Anne Courtney - Resting in the cave of the heart. (see below)
All info you will find on including audio fragments to listen to, Gangaji's schedule and so on.
You Are That! vol.1,2 - Satsang with Gangaji
Antoinette Roberson met her master Poonjaji in 1990 on the banks of the holy river Ganga in India. In this meeting the true fullfilment she had been seeking throughout her life was revealed.
Confirming her realisation of the true Self Poonjaji gave her the name Gangaji and instructed her to carry his transmission to the west. Nowadays Gangaji holds satsang throughout the U.S.A. and abroad.
Her message of truth and peace is now felt reverberating throughout the world. regardless of one's culture, religion, the essence of her teaching resonates clearly as the truth of one's own heart. What Gangaji freely transmits is a gift beyond measure.
It is the gift of one's self to one's Self, and it is recognized, without a doubt, to be That which has always been here.Publisher: Satsang Press. ISBN 1887984003. 220 pages $15.00
The diamond in your pocket. - Gangaji
Discovering your true radiance
"This is an invitation into the core of your being.
It is not about religion or lack of religion.
It is not even about enlightenment or ignorance.
It is about the truth of who you are, which is closer and deeper than anything that can be named."
Sounds True publishing, ISBN 1-591792727-x. hard cover, $ 24,- 280 pages"This book is meant for the rapidly growing number of spiritual seekers who are approaching the end of their seeking and who are ready for the undiluted truthIt is part of an evolutionary transformation of cosmic magnitude: the awakening of consciousness out of the dream of identification with form, the dream of separation. The fact that you are reading these words means that it is your destiny to be an essential part of this great adventure of collective awakening."
ECKHART TOLLE, author of 'The Power of Now.'Nederlandse vertaling: De diamant in jezelf, wordt uitgegeven door Ankh-Hermes, verschijnt najaar 2006, prijs 19,50 euro ISBN 902028442
Surprised by Grace - Amber Terrell
A journey beyond personal enlightenment
Amber began her spiritual quest as a young college student in the late sixties. After a quarter century of meditation, yoga, and intense seeking that took her all over the world it became obvious that enlightenment had remained a dream, a concept existing in the mind only. Into the darkest and most frustrated point of her spiritual yearning came a transmission of Grace so powerful that it not only stopped the search but revealed the searcher to be an illusion.
This transmission took the form of an American teacher named Gangaji, from the lineage of one of the most respected sages of this century Sri Ramana Maharshi. Surprised By Grace is not the story of a spiritual quest, but of how the Quest finally came to an end.
True Light Publishing. ISBN 0965667004. 250 pages $ 14,50
Anne Courtney - Resting in the cave of the heart.
This book is a delight to read. It gives a personal and intimate account of an awakening.
After that Anne Courtney had met Gangaji there was no other way than to become her disciple, in spite of all her ideas she had about guru's.
The book gives a clear insight into the way Gangaji is working with people and her teachings. Reading it might make you relive the experiences Anne had during the years she followed Gangaji. Anne by now is ging her own satsangs in California.
Reading about other people's experiencing waking up is definitely a help to do so yourself!Dream Books Publ. ISBN 0-9749875-0-6 Paperback, 125 pages $ 16.-.